The actual standing tackle has been moved to a separate button from the contain button, so you have one more button to juggle in the mix and more concentration is required to successfully pull off a tackle. You can no longer simply hold down tackle (formerly A on Xbox, X on PS3) to close in on a player within range and take the ball away – this only marks them from a distance now.

It goes much further towards creating a balance between the skill needed to properly defend and the skill needed to successfully attack. The new defensive system definitely takes time to get used to but, in the end, I think it’s great. So in closing…since all the demo really does is let you play a match, i would have to say its an improvement over 2011 in terms of the graphics and some of the physics they put in When players run into each other you’ll see them brace themselves by sticking an arm out and what not…that part of the physics engine is greatly improved from a visual standpointĪnnouncers…other than Alan Smith being the color guy there’s not a big difference…tyler still says a lot of the exact same phrases he has for years….ie when there was a substitute it was word for word what its been in the past Once the match starts though, its time to be impressed…in match graphics look great…to me it kind of reminded me of Sega Dreamcast when they had that great run of sports games…the player models are larger on the screen this year, but yet you can see more of the field…EA just really nailed that aspect ratio this year Game intro has the same flow as last year, but with a few extra tidbits thrown in that probably will be more annoying than anything once youve played the game a few times I fond the font size in last year’s menus to be rather small, its slightly larger this year, especially when your picking your starting xi When you pick what jerseys you want to wear, one of the players steps out like a 3D model and shows you what theyll look like Looks like the menus this year will be on a bar on the bottom on the screen Main Menu is the same as past editions, youre on the same training ground When you first start it will take you through the new defensive system tutorial, i really didnt see much of a difference in how it worked from last year Just downloaded and played a match…some quick thoughtsĭemo has 6 teams to play a friendly with: Arsenal, Dortmund, Barca, ManCity, AC Milan and Marseille